How Does Lion Fortress Credit Repair Work?

If you are struggling with poor credit, you may be interested in getting some help with improving your credit rating. Lion Fortress Credit offers personal credit repair for individuals and couples. Of course, you can do the work of repairing your credit yourself. But many people will probably feel more comfortable having expert help with the process.

So, what is involved in our credit repair service? Read through this post for a brief overview of the process.

Schedule Your Free Credit Consultation

Are you ready to get some help improving your credit score? Start by scheduling a FREE Credit Consultation call. You should select a date and time from the available options that will work for you. If plans change and you are not available for your scheduled time, please kindly reschedule or cancel your booking.

Attend Free Credit Consultation

Your FREE Credit Consultation will take place via a telephone call. You will receive a phone call from Lion Fortress Credit at the phone number you indicated when you scheduled your consultation. 

During this call, we will ask you if you currently subscribe to a credit monitoring service. If so, we will ask you for your login credentials to look over your credit records. If you don’t currently subscribe to credit monitoring, we will help you sign up during the call.

Upon reviewing your credit details during the call and briefly discussing your situation with you, we will be able to recommend which of our personal credit repair services will be the best option for you. We will tell you about the cost, payment options, and timeframe for our services.

You will have an opportunity to ask questions and make sure that you have a solid understanding of how we can help you on your journey toward healthy credit.

Credit Repair Contract and Payment Terms

Assuming you decide to proceed with personal credit repair services from Lion Fortress Credit, you will receive a contract that you will sign electronically. In addition, we will get you set up for payments according to the payment terms that we agree upon.

Disputes and Credit Building

At this step, we update information with the credit bureaus. We formally request each of the three credit bureaus to remove any negative items that are eligible for removal from your report. Additionally, we ask that each credit bureau add eligible positive records to your credit report.

To get excellent lending terms, you must have a strong credit profile and a good mix of credit. To get any significant funding, a lender will likely want to see that you have a solid mix of credit and use it well. We will help you with specific resources and strategies so that you can have success.

Credit Repair Review Call

At this point, we will schedule another consultation call to review your program progress. During this time, we determine if any additional actions are required to improve your credit score. Further steps may include sending out an extra round of dispute letters to the three credit reporting bureaus or other measures to help you get your credit in solid shape.


Get started on your journey toward a healthy credit score today! Schedule your Free Credit Consultation, and let us help you reach for your dreams!

Begin Your Journey To Stronger Credit Today!